
Space data and AI

24 Nov 2021

An article (in Swedish) about the possibilities of a sustainable society using space data and AI-techniques was published in the RISE Research Institutes of Swedens newsletter about AI (Om AI).

Dygnet runt följs allt som händer på jorden av satelliter. Data som samlas in används för att övervaka och kontrollera såväl grundvatten som strandskydd och betesmarker. Nu utvecklar Nationella Rymddatalabbet nya AI-metoder för att automatiskt förvandla satellitdata till verktyg för en mer hållbar utveckling.  

Sweden develops national space data lab

15 Oct 2021

The Swedish government has commissioned the Swedish Space Agency to investigate how the national space data lab’s capabilities can be strengthened so that Sweden, the EU and international partners can increase the use of data from satellites for a more sustainable development of society.

Read more here



The Swedish Space Data Lab’s Ann-Christin Uutisalo Eriksson is hosting the session “Earth Observation and AI for the benefit of the Society: a national Space Data Lab initiative” during EBDVF 2021


7 September 2021 08:15 to 9 September 2021 17:00

Arranged by Swedish Space Data Lab, AI Sweden and Swedish National Space Agency.

Online and AI Sweden, Gothenburg
Welcome to SPoC!

We hereby invite data scientists, developers and space experts to explore the possibilities of performing edge learning in space.

At this creative, collaborative and explorative event, AI Sweden, the Swedish National Space Agency and the RISE Space Data Lab and expert partners aim to inspire you and brainstorm with you around proof of concepts (PoCs) for space, utilizing the infrastructure in the Edge Lab as a simulated space setting.

The event will include: inspirational speakers, including a keynote by Christer Fuglesang; access to edge devices (simulated satellites); and space data from Copernicus Satellites in the Edge Lab. 

Please note that the Collaboraton sessions require some level of technical/space knowledge and/or coding skills. We expect participants to be relatively comfortable in a software development environment.
Please also note that we need you to sign up for the Collaboraton session, as participant numbers may be limited. The Collabraton is accessable both remotely and onsite. For those who wish to attend onsite, cautionary measures will be taken due to the current pandemic.

16 June 2021 09:00 to 11:00
Arranged by AI Sweden and SKR and National Space Data Lab.

How can we use satellite data in our land use planning processes? The purpose is to spark an interest in the possibilities that satellite data can offer when we plan and make decisions about the built environment.


December, 2020 – Campus 2030 ( )

November, 2020 – Hack for Sweden 365, ( )

September, 2020 – Copernicus Hackathon Sweden, Arctic Business Incubator, Innovatum

February, 2020 – Space Data Hackathon, Arctic Business Incubator ( )